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by Trinae Watkins


Ever have those days when you can barely and I mean barely siphon 5 minutes from schedule to eat, let alone slate out 2 hrs at the gym or track? You say that’s every day!

Lack of time is the top excuse people give for not exercising. However, experts say it does not take a huge time commitment to shape up your body. In fact, it just takes a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week, to lower blood pressure, reduce heart risk disease, boost your immune system, strengthen bones and muscles, promote weight loss, alleviate stress PLUS make you feel good about yourself.

Hmmm, just 20 minutes, you say. Yes. And you don’t have to run 5 km to reap the benefits, either. Brisk walking, raking the yard, climbing a few flights of stairs, AND vacuuming, ARE just a few moderate intensity activities which will satisfy the body’s need for fitness.

And it doesn’t make a difference if you do a half –hour of fitness at one time or if you break your routine up into short intervals throughout the day to fit THAT busy schedule. Recent studies show that both approaches yield similar benefits in good health.

So where do I find the time???? There just is none, you say. Well….. what about those extra 10 mins you snooze in the morning after slapping the alarm?? Or the free 15 minutes that you spend each afternoon talking with your friends during break? Or Perhaps that half –hour you spend in front of the tube????


Get my point. So since, we can all siphon a few minutes out of our busy schedules. Here are a few exercise routines that you can try when you just don’t have a lot of time.


1) Spend most of the workday sitting at your desk? Try seated push-ups. Hold unto the armrest of your chair and push up until arms are fully extended. Lower until almost seated, then repeat. Try to do at least 10 reps.

You can also do leg lifts at your desk. Lift leg straight out and push as high as you can; hold a few seconds. And Repeat with the other leg.

You can Eliminate that soft/shaky mid section by doing seated gut busters.--- Grip the front of the seat for support and lift your knees toward your chest, keeping the stomach tight .

You can try some thigh-adduction’s to tone the inner thigh muscles. Spread thighs and keep feet slightly lifted off the floor. Close and open thighs in sets of 10.


You can also do toe-stands by repeatedly raising up on your tiptoes and lowering yourself. Or do armcurls with a heavy book or paperweight. And once, you complete your assignment, get ahead of your work, or reach a standstill where you find yourself waiting on someone else in order to complete your assignment, you can always walk around the office to stretch those muscles.

If you are fortunate enough to take a lunch break. Make a lunch date with fitness. If you have a fitness center at your job and an hour for lunch. consider lunchtime workouts. If mid-day trips to the gym are not your thing. Take a brisk walk after lunch instead, or climb the stairs in your office after you eat. Grab a coworker and walk together. You will be surprised how fast you walk those blocks as you talk.


If you are bitten by the fashion bug. Give into the urge to splurge and make the mall your fitness center. Instead of finding the closest parking space, look for the one that’s the furthest away. That way, you can work in a warm up walk and a cool down after you shop.

Some malls even offer walking clubs that allow members to walk or jog before the mall opens. Or you can opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Cover the entire mall circuit at least once. After your workout, (Go ahead. You deserve it),

reward yourself with a purchase or two.

Other tidbits include shaping up with Sparky. Take your dog for a walk or run.

Or do the, housework, hustle. Get your house clean and your body lean --- all at the same time. Try doing lunges while vacuuming. Toes stand while washing the dishes. Buff biceps by scrubbing shower stalls. Fellas/ladies, go outside and mow the lawn, pull up weeds, prune the rose bush. Give the garage a fresh coat of paint. Wash and wax the car.

If you always find yourself in lines waiting like at the supermarket or the bank, do toe stands in sets of 10 until you are waited on. Long line and in a rush…. Hmmm! Stretch out your stress. Gently roll your shoulders and neck to ease the tension. Hold your arms out to the sides and create air circles by rotating them forward, then backward. Close your eyes and inhale deeply. Inhale serenity. Exhale anxiety.


And for all of my couch potato friends. You can still enjoy your favorite leisure activities plus give your body a workout. While watching television, you can jog in place, jump rope, or do sit-ups or push-ups. If you own exercise equipment, like a stationary bike or a treadmill, park your equipment in front of the tube. Take breaks during the commercials. While you are talking on the phone or reading, do leg lifts and arm curls.


And last but not least, you can videocize. A good workout tape can give you that inspiration you need to exercise. It offers the motivation and structure of an aerobics class, and it works around your schedule. But don’t confuse flexibility with frivolity. Set a convenient time of day to exercise with your tape ----- AND STICK TO IT. Try to squeeze in at least 20 mins. Don’t worry about finishing the entire work out. Do the rest, the next session.

In conclusion, there are many ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule. So what’s your excuse???? I only mentioned a few. But there are endless ways. The important thing is to JUST TO DO IT. There is a way to fit exercise into your current schedule and with your lifestyle. It takes a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 times a week for a good cardiovascular workout. And I believe that we are all worthy of this minimum investment. It will make you feel better, look better, and most importantly keep your body healthy.